Question: As Jesus Christ, what did You save us from? Why are You the redeemer?
God’s answer:
Why is being saved from iniquities important? In the Chapter, Our Fall of Grace, God explains how and why sin causes us to die. The death that He speaks of is true death, when there is no life of God remaining in us - the very life that sustains everything. In other words, He saved the world from the possibility of death caused by sin. No one and nothing will ever die because of what He has done,
Note the word WORLD. His saving grace is all-inclusive. He saved us, He saved the fallen angels and consequently the world we are in, from the beginning to the end of time.
Question: Why was there a need for a Redeemer/ Savior?
God’s answer:
why would I send you a Savior?
Meaning: It is impossible for us to save ourselves from committing sin.